Every year for the last 8 years, Rob Thomas fans from around the world gather at the Borgata on Martin Luther King weekend to attend his annual three-night Sidewalk Angels Foundation benefit show. It has become a reunion (and ritual) of sorts for his fans, most of who attend all three nights.

While these shows originally started as acoustic, they have transformed over the years to full rock band performances and now the kids are even getting in on it. Rob's son Maison came out to play guitar during "Smooth" and Matt Beck's son, Alex played piano during "The Difference".
Rob still takes time to slow it down and serenade the crowd with tunes like Ever the Same and You Won't Be Mine. You can feel the emotion in the room when Rob sits at the piano pounding on the keys.

It wouldn't be a true Rob Thomas show without his humorous stories and how he came to write some of his biggest hits. If you missed the Borgata shows, you're still in luck. This year Rob added a show on the West Coast at the Chumash Casino in Santa Vera, CA on March 29, 2019.

Rob treated his fans to some new songs from his latest CD "chip tooth smile" which is due out in stores on April 26th, 2019. He also recently announced a summer tour starting the end of May.
Details can be found on his official site: https://www.robthomasmusic.com/.
Sidewalk Angels Foundation (sidewalkangelsfoundation.org) is a New York-based, not-for-profit organization established in 2003 by Rob Thomas and his wife, Marisol. This charity provides money to no-kill shelters and animal rescues to help them build facilities, do rescue work, adoptions and fighting against animal cruelty. They also work with homeless shelters to help displaced people with animals.